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6月12日Yong Lian教授报告

发布日期:2018-05-30   点击量:

6月12日(周二),我们有幸邀请到新加坡国立大学Prof. Yong Lian(IEEE电路与系统协会主席、IEEE Fellow)给我们做题为“Low Power Smart Sensor Architecture for Internet-of-Things”的报告。报告时间为上午10:00-11:30,地点为IRC 308,请大家前来参加。

报告的摘要以及Prof. Yong Lian的简历请详见附件。

We are so pleased to invite Prof. Yong Lian, Full professor at National University of Singapore, President of IEEECircuits and Systems Society, IEEE Fellow, to give us a talk entitled “Low Power Smart Sensor Architecture for Internet-of-Things” during 10:00-11:30 on June 12 in IRC 308. Welcome to join us!Please find the attached file for the abstract of the talk and a CV of Prof. Yong Lian.

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