Email: pengyi1108@buaa.edu.cn
个人简历:彭懿,77779193永利官网博士后。2023年获法国洛林大学博士学位,导师是APS Fellow和IEEE Fellow的Stéphane MANGIN教授和Michel HEHN 教授。2023年11月入选北京航空航天大学“卓越百人博士后支持计划”。目前主要从事超快自旋动力学及超快速、超低功耗新型自旋存储器件的研究。发表文章十余篇,其中第一作者论文七篇,包括Nature Communications, Physical Review Applied, Physics review B, Applied Physics Letters等。
1.Yi PENG, D. Salomoni, G. Malinowski, W. Zhang, J. Hohlfeld, L. Buda-Prejbeanu, J. Gorchon, M. Vergès, J. Lin, D. Lacour, et al, In-plane reorientation induced single laser pulse magnetization reversal, Nature Communications 14, 5000 (2023).
2.Yi PENG, G. Malinowski, J. Gorchon, J. Hohlfeld, D. Salomoni, L. Buda- Prejbeanu, R. Sousa, I. Prejbeanu, D. Lacour, S. Mangin, et al, Single-Shot Helicity-Independent All-Optical Switching in Co/Ho Multilayers, Physical Review Applied 20, 014068 (2023)
3.Yi PENG, G. Malinowski, W. Zhang, D. Lacour, F. Montaigne, S. Mangin, and H. Michel, Single shot reversal in CoxLu1-x nanostructures, Physics review B 107, 214415 (2023).
4.Y. Peng, G. Malinowski, B. Kunyangyuen, D. Salomoni, J. Igarashi, J. X. Lin, W. Zhang, J. Gorchon, J. Hohlfeld, L. Buda-Prejbeanu, R. C. Sousa, I.-L. Prejbeanu, D. Lacour, S. Mangin, and H. Michel, From toggle to precessional single laser pulse switching, Applied Physics Letters 124, 2, (2024).
5.D Salomoni, Y Peng, L Farcis, S Auffret, M Hehn, G Malinowski, S Mangin, B Dieny, LD Buda-Prejbeanu, RC Sousa, IL Prejbeanu, Field-free all-optical switching and electrical readout of Tb/Co-based magnetic tunnel junctions. Phys. Rev. Appl. 20, 034070 (2023)
6.J. X. Lin, M. Hehn, T. Hauet, Y. Peng, J. Igarashi, Y. Le Guen, Q. Remy, J. Gorchon, G. Malinowski, S. Mangin, and J. Hohlfeld, ingle laser pulse induced magnetization switching in in-plane magnetized GdCo alloys. Physical Review B, 108(22): L220403, 2023.
7.Z. Guo, J. Wang, G. Malinowski, B. Zhang, W. Zhang, H. Wang, C. Lyu, Y. Peng, P. Vallobra, Y. Xu, S. Jenkins, R. W. Chantrell, R. FL Evans, S. Mangin, W. Zhao, M. Hehn, Single-shot laser-induced switching of an exchange biased antiferromagnet, Adv. Mater. 2311643 (2024).
8.Zongxia Guo, Gregory Malinowski, Pierre Vallobra, Yi Peng, Yong Xu, Stéphane Mangin, Weisheng Zhao, Michel Hehn, Boyu Zhang, Ultrafast antiferromagnet rearrangement in Co/IrMn/CoGd trilayers, Chinese Physics B (2023).
9.Yi PENG, G. Zhao, F. Morvan, S. Wu, and M. Yue, et al, Dynamic micromagnetic simulation of the magnetic spectrum of permalloy nanodot array with vortex state. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 422, 57–60(2017).
10.Yi PENG, M. Yue, H. J. Li, Y. Li, C. L. Li, H. H. Xu, Q. Wu, and W. Xi, The Effect of Easy Axis Deviations on the Magnetization Reversal of Co Nanowire. IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 54, 7100605 (2018).
11.Yi PENG, G. Zhao, S. Wu, W. Si, and X. Wan, Micromagnetic simulation and analysis of Nd2Fe14B/Fe65Co35 magnetic bilayered thin films with different orientations of the easy axis, Acta. Phys. Sin. 63, 16 167505 (2014).
12.H Li, Q Wu, Y Peng, H Xu, J Zhang, M Yue, Magnetic properties and magnetization reversal in Co nanowires with different morphology, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 469, 203-210 (2019).
13.H Li, Q Wu, M Yue, Y Peng, Y Li, J Liang, D Wang, J Zhang, Magnetization reversal in cobalt nanowires with combined magneto-crystalline and shape anisotropies, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 481, 104 (2019).
14.Y. Q. Li, M. Yue, Y. Peng, and H.-G. Zhang, “Micromagnetism simulation on effects of soft phase size on Nd2Fe14B/α–Fe nanocomposite magnet with soft phase imbedded in hard phase, Micromagnetism simulation on effects of soft phase size on Nd2Fe14B/α–Fe nanocomposite magnet with soft phase imbedded in hard phase. Chinese Physics B, 27, 087502 (2018)